Members comments:

 =  typo
Constantin Delca
[27.Jul.09 19:00]
welcome on the english page!
it's "virus".

 =  welcome new member!
Marius Surleac
[27.Jul.09 20:40]
Hi George. I read your poem first time on the Romanian page; now in English sounds a bit different. The problem is in the last line - doesn't look well.

I would use the next substitution in the last line:

"close to the core" - works better and sends the same message as in the Romanian version

 =  .
Marius Surleac
[27.Jul.09 22:21]
one more question I have, did you really meant "purport" there in the third line, as well as for the verbs in the last line?

 =  A variant
George Paºa
[27.Jul.09 22:40]
Constantin, Marius, this is a test. I'm a "tradittore"-traduttore! English version is only a variant.
Thank you!

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