Members comments:

 =  re games
Corina Gina Papouis
[16.Oct.09 20:38]
some role - some playing! I enjoyed the 'confidence' of the character playing you...the invincible one...and then the competition of the two: the real and the fake you..
minds are strange, we are not:)..and who cares when you have a whole avatar!
interesting approach!

 =  my avatar&me
Constantin Delca
[17.Oct.09 18:04]
well, i'd like to think that is all about real and fake realities and real and fake voices. the voices are mixed up and i don't know who speaks and when. it's a game of "who's who?" or "which's which?". that's all.
thanks for stopping by again!

 =  ...
Marius Surleac
[18.Oct.09 19:25]
the poem is ok but try to avoid the so many repetitions - you have too many "I" and "I can" and this gives a redundant idea

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