Members comments:

 =  great!
Corina Gina Papouis
[07.Apr.10 22:58]
well done Veronica, I read your essay with great pleasure and interest - it does also happen that I live on the door step of Royal Observatory in Greenwich, which has gradually increased my awareness in the close relationship time/ space and now...cosmology/ the art of writing.
I believe is a brilliant piece of work providing great insight into the elements linking these two fascinating areas of humankind before and beyond.

there is a creative universe in all of matter how small and insignificant we seem to be:).

to many more like this!

 =  .
Veronica Valeanu
[09.Apr.10 22:21]
thank you Corina for your appreciation!
you are right, there is a piece of the universe in everyone, I tried to prove how the small infinite [the fractal way of thinking, sensing, creating] is the perfect mirroring of the large infinite.

 =  the talking universe
ion a
[10.Apr.10 06:35]
very interesting essay, trying to bring the literary process into a more modern framework, unified with scientific method and even discourse. might need a little updating. also, you might want to bring into this grand unified theory language itself (non-literary language), the interplay might be fascinating

"The major components of the universe, hereby transposed on the literary process phenomenology map are: space, matter and energy"

according to quantum physics, a forth major component of the universe is information. the so called entangled electrons (or photons as the case may be) that can share information instantaneously, regardless of the distance separating them, might actually prove a more fertile ground for speculation :)
i would highly recommend Brian Greene - The Fabric of the Cosmos - Space Time and the Texture of Reality as well as dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz - The Mind & The Brain. By rigorous scientific tests and protocols on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder patients, dr Schwartz (and other neuro-scientists) have proven in the last two decades that mind does have the "breakout" quality Douglas Hofstadter talks about in Godel, Escher, Bach: will (volition) imposing discipline to the mind, can actually "rewire" the brain, create new neurons and circuits and remap whole regions of the brain. It's actual proof that mind over matter is a fact and not just wishful thinking.
amusing your comparison between the author and a bioenergy practitioner, i'm not sure which one would feel more offended :)

very nice effort overall, i think it deserves to be revised and expanded

 =  again on a bridge
Veronica Valeanu
[10.Apr.10 10:16]
Ion, I simply knew you would come on this text with useful ammendments and in fact I was looking forward to.
I had been a perfect stranger to exact sciences. several years ago, smth urged me into studying astrophysics research by myself.
you are perfectly right - that pertinent observation about the absence of information. after gathering a minimal expertise I promise to venture again into completing the essay.
the recommendations you've made are therefore precious.
one day I will write further on, when i find the courage to.
as for the part you found amusing - there is a bioenergy practitioner in my family, we've discussed about that - I was told to remain minimal about this type of information, because nobody would care & not only:)

thank you so much, Ion.

+ A must
Edilberto González Trejos
[18.Apr.10 04:11]
and an enriching text in order to enhance understanding on literary creation.


 =  Edilberto
Veronica Valeanu
[18.Apr.10 21:20]
thank you for welcoming my intention
even if it's harder to made general assumptions for this process which i believe is as fascinating or even more fascinating than the author's product.

one day I'm going to write a continuation consisting in applications.

 =  Ion A.,- I was thinking
Veronica Valeanu
[29.Apr.10 22:42]
if all the forces of nature, in their potentiality, are one, converging to a fundamental foundation
what you call [information] might be ultimately [Consciousness], a universal one
what if it looks like information only from the outside, and consciousness from within?
like breathing in and breathing out

 =  breath in breath out and the air within
ion a
[01.May.10 07:43]
we can't really say information needs consciousness, unless we succumb to full solipsism. the universe was always moving around vast amounts of information with or without us. understanding the information needs consciousness, but here we hit the old problem: what is mind? Marvin Minsky provided a very powerful example using the ant colony (Society of Mind): individual ants have only a few neurons and clearly would not be able to build in concert what amounts to huge cities and a sophisticated, diversified society. and yet they do just that, displaying all the signs of intelligence and planning ahead, typically associated with "higher" forms of consciousness. now, if it's not individual ants who "think", what is it that "thinks"?
the answer can really be just one, it's the colony that thinks. it's only that, so far, we can't explain how this is done

in the case of humans, language has a particularly fascinating role. language is a technology universally acquired by humans and used to build a comprehensible model of the world. sure, emotions , instincts, "hard-wired" behavior play a role in our interaction with nature and each other. but what really defines us is the language interface that allows us to network billions of individuals in a coherent, meaningful way. of course, from here on you can speculate to your heart's content on how literature fits into this schema :-)

 =  within/without
Veronica Valeanu
[03.May.10 20:33]
i guess i was referring to information that has a consciousness of its own, according to the purposes of perpetual regeneration - but i might be accused of concept-deconstruction, a never-ending approach

i admit i still don't know how this would be applicable to writing; semiotics seems much too self-oriented here.

thank you for pushing me to think further

 =  would the real consciousness please stand up
ion a
[04.May.10 20:31]
the reason i avoid the concept of a conscious universe is simple: we don't really know what consciousness is. the universe might be simply a big computer, handling enormous amounts of information and very complicated computations, but nevertheless no more "conscious" than your laptop. even if we suppose it's conscious, it might be subject to the same conundrum we are: unable to define consciousness.
interestingly, we're dealing with another pretty similar phenomenon: literature and art in general. we can describe it, we can produce it, we can measure its psychosomatic effects, we can even teach it :) and yet, nobody can tell exactly what it is or why it has any effect on us. in this respect, art might be our way of sharing a mystery with the universe

you already have to go out on a limb when trying to mix and match such heterogeneous concepts. one way of unifying them might go along these lines: it might be that (ordinary) language can shape the mind, the same way the mind can physically change the brain. many spiritual disciplines have noticed that humans are not only talking beings, but continually talking beings. when we don't have an interlocutor we "talk in our mind", in a continuous monologue. the practice of meditation is just that, quieting the internal monologue. since things don't just happen in nature without a reason, the monologue might be our main interface with reality, a self-reinforcing technology, forever under-construction view of the world.
since literature can actually influence this technology, the way we talk to ourselves and to others, a proposition like "in the beginning there was the word" begins to make sense :))

 =  under correction
Veronica Valeanu
[05.May.10 18:05]
exactly when i was on the verge of solemnizing my caving in, here came my pleading's saving grace:

if this information is a sort of universal network holding everything latently productible inside, then the universal consciousness must be an awakening to one of the potentialities into reality

the writing's product makes endless sequences of emerging "nows" and virtualities activate at the same time"

 =  err
Veronica Valeanu
[05.May.10 18:06]

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