Members comments:

 =  terror
Veronica Văleanu
[24.Jul.11 21:12]
a flash poem encapsulating everybody's bitter rage against the acts of terrorism perpetrated upon Norway.
pines and grass, the same little blades of life...
very good, Willy.

 =  In all the misery-
John Willy Kopperud
[24.Jul.11 21:47]
following the gunning down of Labour Party Youth on their summercamp by a reactionary latter-day "crusader", it's a small relief to put down a few words, V.V. Thanks a lot for including this reminder of that evil deed on the list!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Condolences
Norma Diana Jeflea
[25.Jul.11 02:52]
"From my heart condolences to the decent people of Norway"
Diana/ Stockholm.

 =  In the hour-
John Willy Kopperud
[25.Jul.11 07:40]
of darkness we have felt the warmth of a whole world reachong out to us. Thanks a lot, Diana.
Cheeers from Willy

+ bloody Friday
Corina Gina Papouis
[27.Jul.11 00:06]
those pines will remember their faces forever...
no words can describe grief...

 =  Cruelty as a result-
John Willy Kopperud
[27.Jul.11 07:59]
of twisted ideas. Norway is starting to wake up from the nightmare. There is a hope that the outcome of all this will be more warmth and inclusion rather than less. Thanks a lot for your appreciation, Corina!

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