Members comments:

 =  fragile
Dely Cristian Marian
[16.Mar.13 18:11]
Love or poverty, -as we could hear- a symphony is still a symphony. It's easy:

Kind regards,

 =  No relevance!
[18.Mar.13 19:59]
I could not connect your comment anywhere. Even I could not see any relevance with the poem.

kınd regards DCM

 =  feelings
Dely Cristian Marian
[18.Mar.13 23:23]
I could hear -while reading- the governing 'structure' of feelings, which was the cause of the “broken glass” and the confusion; and opposing it against the 'notes' in me, it felt more like a symphony of dying hopes.

My previous comment was adjusted with an easy thought and additional music, for support, by my need of equilibrium. It didn't seem that irrelevant at the time.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,

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