Members comments:

 =  Dear Veronica
Simona Sumanaru
[02.Apr.09 01:26]
This is not tit for tat, you gave me a comment I give you one. I just wanted to say this. I see you're new on the site, a very prolific writer. Been following your work, tried to grasp the meaning behind it, but as far as comments go, I can't give any, as I don't know half the words you're using. Never heard them, never used them. You are amazing to master such terms!

You've seen how I write. I use the language that is alive in the streets. From this poem I got:
'For a split second
I’ll leave it up
to the searchings of my heart
as soon as it has floated about.'.. which is wonderful in itself. I can fully relate to it, as I know someone who's doing some soul-searching right now, and is waiting for that split second when his heart will float about. Victoriously, I hope!... and not torn up in the struggle.

Ashamed for my ignorance and congratulating you,

 =  Simona
Veronica Valeanu
[06.Apr.09 20:11]
what you said is unusual for me. I don't find it difficult to use words and rhyme.
juggling with words is easier than taming all their significances and polishing their asperities so that the words should weld and form a unique entity, (which is so hard)... it's harder to make those words seduce the reader and distract the reader's attention at the same time from knowing he is being seduced...
your appreciation is smth. that i hold special.

 =  Dear Veronica
Simona Sumanaru
[17.Apr.09 13:11]
"Word juggling" is, to me, something of a sacred nature, and it is not to be done randomly. Words are meant to teach, to create. There is a huge responsibility that comes with every creation. Of course I can't do it, it's like holding the power of life over death with the tip of one's pen. I admire and respect those who can... or get very close to it (there's a whole list of writers to be inserted here).

I am glad my comment was to your liking and I wish you a happy, wise Easter!


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