Members comments:

 =  true living may be
Simona Sumanaru
[23.Apr.09 12:58]
when we get to float on waters or up in the air knowing the ground beneath without ever having to touch it. That's what I got from your beautiful poem. Thank you!

 =  To Lady Simona
Delcã Constantin
[23.Apr.09 14:22]
I want to represent what it means to be or to become a human being and a poet at the same time, according to Carl Sandburg who said "Poetry is the journal of the sea animal living on land, wanting to fly in the air".
But everything is open to other interpretetions and yours is one that I like. Thank you for reading!

 =  poetic human beings
Simona Sumanaru
[24.Apr.09 16:22]
it was my pleasure, Mr Constantin

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