Members comments:

+ some art
Michel Martin
[20.Apr.04 14:08]
The last two verses, I really enjoyed reading them, the rest of the poem it's just a dash from a rain that was supose to come and it didn't.
I salute your presence here.

 =  bla
Michel Martin
[20.Apr.04 14:10]
"but it didn't", sorry

 =  twinkle, twinkle
Elena Malec
[21.Apr.04 13:22]
Twinkle, twinkle little star...
How about a little heart, for a change?
...Nice to meet you, too.

 =  next time the firmament...
Elena Malec
[21.Apr.04 16:36]
Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star...
Nice to meet you, too.
How about a little heart, for a change?!

 =  only one comment
Diana Chifane
[21.Apr.04 13:26]
Elena, your comment wasn't checked, thats why you couldn't see it. I approved only one, cause all have same content.

 =  trial and error
Elena Malec
[22.Apr.04 02:00]
I agree with you,even if the saying goes that the good things come in three, we better remove the top and and the bottom, i.e. the first and the last.You probably know better how to do it, if you don't mind. I have no control over these forms. I spend more time trying to figure them out that I've spent on making a website.How are you folks doin'?
Has spring sprung yet, back home?

 =  Elena
Daniel Dinescu
[23.Apr.04 22:15]
Nice poem, interesting construction, I will pass through here more often.

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