Members comments:

 =  Remember!!! :))))
Diana Pacuraru
[30.Jan.05 00:52]
You have some wrong spelling, like "luckest" instead of "luckiest" and "emptyness" instead of "emptiness", but overall, your poem is simple and sincere. The idea devil - angel, the feeling of love, everything makes the poem "softcore", but nice. Keep writing if you feel like it, but remember when you write it :)))))))))))

 =  I was wondering...
Dennis Edward Moustapha
[12.Feb.05 07:59]
What is a "beetwen" anyways? And how are you supposed to be lucky sittin' "amongst" men all day long? Go get yourself a "girl", Evil-Boy!

P.S. A twice fallen angel amounts to a devil in love... I'm sooo good at math!

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