Members comments:

 =  Expecting March
Axel Lenn
[14.Oct.04 14:15]
I guess so. Took the time to write something down on Derrida's death, not that it was announced all over the news or anything (only on a French site), and stood up late one night to post it here. I assume it has already been heard around and there goes all the charm... I could have never written it had I known the outcome. Since October 11th there have been texts approved of and posted on this site. So here I am puzzled completely: what's wrong? You people have something 'gainst me or Derrida? Honestly, I don't get it. Thanx, anyway, for making the article useless, yesterdays news or whatever you might think of calling it.

 =  Axel
Irina Iacovescu
[14.Oct.04 22:20]
I'm really sorry about the misunderstanding. I assure you nobody has nothing against you or Derrida. It was just bad timing on the editor's side. It's really unfortunate indeed that this happened with a text like yours. I hope you will keep writing.

 =  welcome reminder
ion amariutei
[15.Oct.04 15:52]
thanks for the well written, informative article, axel
it looks like this section has been more or less abandoned. the list of *recommended reading* hasn't changed in a month...

+ well
ion amariutei
[16.Oct.04 05:51]
since a translation of this article (by Cristiana Miu) seems to be quite successful on the Romanian section, i will oblige :)

 =  I guess so
Axel Lenn
[17.Oct.04 22:53]
I guess so, though it makes no big difference. I never understood the meaning of these stars. Thanx, however, very kind on your part.
The article was meant as "news to the world", that's it. Quite short, though personal in a way, but informative at the very end. And sort of sad from a... different point of view. I was utterly... doesn't matter, you've seen the show some people made out of the news on the Romanian site. That's all I can think of now...

 =  pleasure and interest
Sandra Hanna Segal
[02.Apr.05 05:07]
I wouldn't really call your article useless, even if it takes an eternity for the postings to go through. I read it with undissimulated pleasure and interest. Thanks.

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