Members comments:

 =  Shellborne dreams
John Willy Kopperud
[30.Jul.07 06:31]
Congratulations, Edilberto!

Two lines from David Cain's poem captured my eye immediately:

every dream that dared
to cross the water in a shell

 =  Willy - sea dreams
Edilberto González Trejos
[31.Jul.07 20:35]
How long can you swim?

From the Fiords to the Great Lakes--- I want to thank you and cheer you, Willy!


 =  Water
John Willy Kopperud
[31.Jul.07 22:34]

The answer to that question might be epic. Let me quote
Don Van Vliet (Captain Beefheart) :

"I guess I'll pick up with a mermaid
and go back in the water again."

The torch of poetry shines bright below, as well as above sea level.

With enthusiasm


 =  Ed,
Heghedus Camelia
[02.Aug.07 08:11]

 =  Cami
Edilberto González Trejos
[04.Aug.07 20:15]
thank you Cami!
All the best

 =  exquisite
felix nicolau
[05.Aug.07 17:15]
that's nice to disclose the content of that anthology. i think thid is an article destinied to the first page. feel ashamed i haven't seen it earlier.

 =  American Poetry
Edilberto González Trejos
[06.Aug.07 17:28]
Dear Felix,
I am glad you enjoyed this small sample of American Poetry (East Coast).-
Best to you,


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