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signs to nowhere
: for Miss, the only tears i know how to shed Personals 2011-01-22 (2936 hits)
DNA my frienemy
: love is just propaganda, if you’re lucky Personals 2010-10-02 (6215 hits)
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slow motioning
sometimes a good verse can sink the poetry
your grammar is better
half full
not really dance
no particular order
the poem is good but the voice is awesome
traffic circle
occupy everything
black forest and teutons
let's give Veronica some ammo
reheated conversation
OffTOPIC the only thing that attacked you is your ego
olya, tanya and svetlana
sorry to disappoint
nobody lives in nyc, we're just passing by
please do
to play is to be played
the math of writing
throw the ballast
it hit the front door just fine ( )
i'd better step on this angel ( )
to be there by not being there
sifting rain maybe?
aller guten dinge sind drei?
numb, hot, allergic ( )
my pop culture perverted inclinations win again ( )
is playing with mirrors safer than playing with fire ( )
i was joking of course
username: tomorrow; password: mirror
living room odysseus
we should remember ( )
i think i like you, hope you don't become donald trump :) ( )
teach the stone how to fly, it might pay off in the end
invoke veronica & dan and fire the compiler
a cage with an edge
a cage for everybody ( )
strings attached to everything ( )
almost perfect
i think there is always more ( )
time to break through
welcome back, said the scissors to the page ( )
welcome back ( )
think today is bad? try yesterday! ( )
shred and burn, a new year has come ( )
i've been followed by a field of flowers
on the first day of christmas
turn on tune in drop out
congratulations, great job
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