A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London
Poetry by Dylan Thomas
Bright Star
Poetry by John Keats
The Snow Man
Poetry by Wallace Stevens
All the World's a Stage
Poetry by William Shakespeare
I, Too, Sing America
Poetry by Langston Hughes
When You are Old
Poetry by William Butler Yeats Alternative version
To make a prairie
Poetry by Emily Dickinson
I sing of Olaf glad and big
Poetry by Edward Estlin Cummings
In Paths Untrodden
Poetry by Walt Whitman
Poetry by Thomas Hardy
Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond
Poetry by Edward Estlin Cummings
The Little Mute Boy
Poetry by Federico Garcia-Lorca
The River-Merchant's Wife
Poetry by Ezra Pound Alternative version
The Emperor of Ice-Cream
Poetry by Wallace Stevens
fragment: "To the Moon"
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Poetry by John Keats
Sonnet 98
Poetry by William Shakespeare
Theme for English B
Poetry by Langston Hughes
Still Another Day: XVII/Men
Poetry by Pablo Neruda
The Subalterns
Poetry by Thomas Hardy
I cannot live with You
Poetry by Emily Dickinson
So we'll go no more a roving
Poetry by George Gordon Noel Byron
To Earthward
Poetry by Robert Frost
Ode on Intimations of Immortality
Poetry by William Wordsworth
The Separate Rose: I
Poetry by Pablo Neruda
Sonnet 30
Poetry by William Shakespeare
Poetry by Victor Hugo
Life is Fine
Poetry by Langston Hughes
My father moved through dooms of love
Poetry by Edward Estlin Cummings
From Milton: And did those feet
Poetry by William Blake
Spring is like a perhaps hand
Poetry by Edward Estlin Cummings
Arbolé, Arbolé . . .
Poetry by Federico Garcia-Lorca
Notes for Canto CXX
Poetry by Ezra Pound
La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Poetry by John Keats
An Apple Gathering
Poetry by Christina Rossetti
from The Book of Questions
Poetry by Pablo Neruda
The Convergence of the Twain
Poetry by Thomas Hardy
Poetry by Langston Hughes
Los Angeles, 1954
Poetry by David St. John
Metaphors of a Magnifico
Poetry by Wallace Stevens
Love For This Book
Poetry by Pablo Neruda
Some Advice to Those Who Will Serve Time in Prison
Poetry by Nazim Hikmet
Channel Firing
Poetry by Thomas Hardy
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Poetry by William Shakespeare
Sonnet VI
Poetry by Rainer Maria Rilke
It is Night, in My Study
Poetry by Miguel de Unamuno
The Negro Speaks of Rivers
Poetry by Langston Hughes
The High-Toned Old Christian Woman
Poetry by Wallace Stevens
My Hero Bares His Nerves
Poetry by Dylan Thomas
She Walks in Beauty
Poetry by George Gordon Noel Byron
Poetry by Edgar Allan Poe Alternative version
The Guitar
Poetry by Federico Garcia-Lorca
Poetry by Robert Frost
The Daffodils
Poetry by William Wordsworth
Come Up From the Fields Father
Poetry by Walt Whitman
Black Stone Lying On A White Stone
Poetry by Cesar Abraham Vallejo
The Divine Image
Poetry by William Blake
Mending Wall
Poetry by Robert Frost
Spirit that Form'd this Scene
Poetry by Walt Whitman
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Poetry by William Butler Yeats
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
Poetry by Emily Dickinson Alternative version
The Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls
Poetry by Edward Estlin Cummings
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Poetry by lewis carroll
Nothing But Death
Poetry by Pablo Neruda
Poetry by William Blake
Poetry by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire
Home Burial
Poetry by Robert Frost
Her Kind
Poetry by Anne Sexton
Boaz Asleep
Poetry by Victor Hugo
Madam and Her Madam
Poetry by Langston Hughes
Pythagorean Silence (an excerpt)
Poetry by Susan Howe
Anecdote of the Jar
Poetry by Wallace Stevens
Poetry by David St. John
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
from Venus and Adonis
Poetry by William Shakespeare
Morning Song
Poetry by Sylvia Plath Alternative version
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer
Poetry by John Keats
Striding the Bones of the Coastal Range
Poetry by James JOYCE
Poetry by Christina Rossetti
I Am Much Too Alone in This World, Yet Not Alone
Poetry by Rainer Maria Rilke
You, Andrew Marvell
Poetry by Archibald MacLeish
Sestina: Altaforte
Poetry by Ezra Pound Alternative version
Poetry by Edgar Allan Poe Alternative version
Song of Myself, XI
Poetry by Walt Whitman
Leda and the Swan
Poetry by William Butler Yeats
There's a certain Slant of light
Poetry by Emily Dickinson Alternative version
Chansons Innocentes: I
Poetry by Edward Estlin Cummings
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Poetry by lewis carroll
So you want to be a writer?
Poetry by Charles Bukowski
City That Does Not Sleep
Poetry by Federico Garcia-Lorca
The Snowfall Is So Silent
Poetry by Miguel de Unamuno
The Tyger
Poetry by William Blake Alternative version
Be Drunk
Poetry by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire
Lot's Wife
Poetry by Anna Ahmatova
Madam and the Phone Bill
Poetry by Langston Hughes
Poetry by Susan Howe
Things I Didn't Know I Loved
Poetry by Nazim Hikmet
How Great My Grief
Poetry by Thomas Hardy
Light breaks where no sun shines
Poetry by Dylan Thomas
Light breaks where no sun shines
Poetry by Dylan Thomas Alternative version
From "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"
Poetry by George Gordon Noel Byron
From "Adonais," 49-52
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
Poetry by Robert Frost
To My Brother Miguel in memoriam
Poetry by Cesar Abraham Vallejo Alternative version
Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802
Poetry by William Wordsworth
Song of Myself, X
Poetry by Walt Whitman
Gacela of the Dark Death
Poetry by Federico Garcia-Lorca
from "Hugh Selwyn Mauberly"
Poetry by Ezra Pound
The Bells
Poetry by Edgar Allan Poe Alternative version
Poetry by Pablo Neruda
In the Greenhouse
Poetry by Eugenio Montale
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Poetry by Anne Sexton
Poetry by Sylvia Plath Alternative version
Poetry by Joseph Rudyard Kipling Alternative version
This Living Hand
Poetry by John Keats
Churst Apollo
Poetry by James JOYCE
What Was Told, That
Poetry by Jelaluddin Rumi
Poetry by Christina Rossetti
Archaic Torso of Apollo
Poetry by Rainer Maria Rilke
Poetry by Stéphane Mallarmé
Ars Poetica
Poetry by Archibald MacLeish
The Old Lizard
Poetry by Federico Garcia-Lorca
Canto I
Poetry by Ezra Pound
The Raven
Poetry by Edgar Allan Poe Alternative version
The Song of Despair
Poetry by Pablo Neruda
The Lemon Trees
Poetry by Eugenio Montale
When I Consider How My Light Is Spent
Poetry by John Milton
From The Midnight
Poetry by Susan Howe
When We Two Parted
Poetry by George Gordon Noel Byron
The Young Fools
Poetry by Paul Verlaine
A Prayer for my Daughter
Poetry by William Butler Yeats
Kubla Khan
Poetry by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Poetry by lewis carroll
To My Brother Miguel in memoriam
Poetry by Cesar Abraham Vallejo
Lullaby of the Onion
Poetry by Miguel HernĂ ndez
The suicide kid
Poetry by Charles Bukowski
The Chimney-Sweeper
Poetry by William Blake
The Fountain of Blood
Poetry by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire
In Memory of M. B.
Poetry by Anna Ahmatova
Francesco and Clare
Poetry by David St. John
The world is too much with us; late and soon
Poetry by William Wordsworth
Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
Poetry by Walt Whitman
I Sing the Body Electric
Poetry by Walt Whitman
About Living
Poetry by Nazim Hikmet
The Darkling Thrush
Poetry by Thomas Hardy
Voyage to Cythera
Poetry by Charles-Pierre Baudelaire
Fern Hill
Poetry by Dylan Thomas
Ode on the death of a favorite cat
Poetry by Thomas Gray
Romance Sonambulo
Poetry by Federico Garcia-Lorca
The Truth the Dead Know
Poetry by Anne Sexton
The Road Not Taken
Poetry by Robert Frost
To Helen
Poetry by Edgar Allan Poe
Lady Lazarus
Poetry by Sylvia Plath Alternative version
On the Grasshopper and the Cricket
Poetry by John Keats
Fiddler Jones
Poetry by Edgar Lee Masters
Anne Rutledge
Poetry by Edgar Lee Masters
Alexander Throckmorton
Poetry by Edgar Lee Masters
Minerva Jones
Poetry by Edgar Lee Masters
George Gray
Poetry by Edgar Lee Masters
Lucinda Matlock
Poetry by Edgar Lee Masters
Fletcher McGee
Poetry by Edgar Lee Masters
A noiseless patient spider
Poetry by Walt Whitman Alternative version