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Solving the puzzle
: Poetry 2012-01-24 (2116 hits)
myriad snowflakes
: photo tanka Poetry 2012-01-23 (4196 hits)
The first kiss
: Bywords Poetry 2012-01-20 (3808 hits)
Green under fire
: Verse Afire Poetry 2012-01-15 (2234 hits)
Anna and the sigh with diamonds. Mastectomy
: Bywords Poetry 2012-01-15 (3544 hits)
other leaves
: photo tanka Poetry 2012-01-09 (3911 hits)
: Photo tanka Poetry 2012-01-03 (7638 hits)
luscious lentisk
: Photo tanka, A Botany of Tanka Poetry 2011-11-29 (3073 hits)
hand in hand
: Photo tanka Poetry 2011-11-29 (2256 hits)
I think of the days
: Photo tanka, Gusts Poetry 2011-11-22 (4846 hits)
a periscope
: photo tanka, Red Lights Poetry 2011-11-21 (3980 hits)
: Gusts Poetry 2011-11-21 (2207 hits)
this world
: Ribbons Poetry 2011-11-20 (2132 hits)
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-11-20 (5888 hits)
rain sifted
: photo tanka, Magnapoets Poetry 2011-11-17 (7708 hits)
his bouquet of roses
: tanka, Magnapoets Poetry 2011-07-25 (2385 hits)
winter shows off
: Gusts Poetry 2011-07-08 (2743 hits)
a dried branch
: photo tanka, Red Lights Poetry 2011-07-08 (2620 hits)
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-26 (3734 hits)
wearing long skirt
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-26 (2682 hits)
his cold voice
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-25 (2518 hits)
online affair
: Poetry 2011-06-25 (4092 hits)
in rain
: photo tanka, Moonbathing Poetry 2011-06-24 (4925 hits)
the place you call your own
: Poetry 2011-06-23 (2480 hits)
robin on a tripod
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-18 (3840 hits)
the lake
: photo tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-06-17 (3622 hits)
alone at dawn
: Ribbons Poetry 2011-06-16 (2453 hits)
this man
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-14 (5755 hits)
: Magnapoets Poetry 2011-06-14 (2291 hits)
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-06-14 (2559 hits)
circular poem
: Emerging Stars Poetry 2011-06-10 (2672 hits)
leaving Ottawa
: Emerging Stars Poetry 2011-06-10 (4066 hits)
linden trees in bloom
: tan renga with Magdalena Dale Poetry 2011-06-01 (4959 hits)
: Emerging Stars Poetry 2011-05-30 (2303 hits)
I speed on burnt roads
: photo tanka Poetry 2011-05-30 (6347 hits)
snowfall upon skylight
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-30 (4638 hits)
winter solstice
: photo tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-18 (2923 hits)
we stand
: photo tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-18 (2879 hits)
: Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-17 (2342 hits)
I speed on burnt streets
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-17 (2453 hits)
again searching
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-14 (2446 hits)
in love you give blindly
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-05-14 (2311 hits)
everywhere I look
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-04-29 (2372 hits)
home after another
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-04-29 (3018 hits)
stars strewed all over
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-04-21 (2275 hits)
wearing long skirt
: tanka, Atlas Poetica Poetry 2011-04-21 (2406 hits)
green sprouts
: tanka, Red Lights Poetry 2011-04-03 (2178 hits)
crickets bounced off walls
: tanka, Red Lights Poetry 2011-04-03 (2215 hits)
the dried leaf
: photo tanka, Moonbathing Poetry 2011-04-03 (5071 hits)
the hummingbird that caressed my cheek
: Broken City Magazine Poetry 2011-03-28 (2105 hits)
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to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
duplicate text
duplicate text
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
duplicate text
to be revised
stop it
dupicate text
duplicate text
to be revised
duplicate text
duplicate text
to be revised
to be revised
me, again
to be revised
Florin, sorry
welcome, Ilinca Scorus
Welcome, Sarah Jane
Welcome, Marinela!
simple and nice
pure dadaism ()
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
as requested
to be revised
to be revised
interesting poem
yes, but...
Text to be revised
to be revised
please, let me know...
to be revised
to be revised
to be revised
Many thanks to you, Mihaela!
Diana ?
interesting poem, Diana
Sorry, my mistake
10x, Diana
ancamariam's evening poem
Welcome to our site Bianca!
Camica ()
a feverish poem ()
why across? because... ()
10x, Lavinia
Diana, 2nd chance
Congrats, Irina!
peace, not war!
a duplicate
a duplicate
to be revised, still
please, revise
to be revised
interesting view of self realisation ()
almost perfect
or am I not?
a torment to myself, too
Simply romantic!
Any editor, moderator, censor - online, tonight???
Again, this isn't your work!
Sorry, but...
Please, explain!
words from a distant shore and so familiar to my soul ()
to Ion Amariutei
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Biography Luminita Suse
Luminita Suse is a member of the League of Canadian Poets, Haiku Canada, The Ontario Poetry Society, Tanka Canada, Tanka Society of America, and others.
- Skylark No. 2, 2013, UK
- Ottawa Arts Review, Issue 7.1,2013, Canada
- Byline, Vol.30, No.4, Aug-Sep 2013, Canada
- World Haiku Review, 2012
- A Hint of Light, co-author Mike Montreuil, response tanka, Edition des petits nuages, 2013, Canada
- A Thousand Fireflies / Mille Lucioles, Edition des petits nuages, 2012, Canada
- Avid Walls, phafours press, 2012, Canada
- Kado Calea Poeziei, Vol. 1:1, 2012, Romania
- Bywords Quarterly Journal, 2006-2013, Canada
- The New Stalgica Hymnal, 2009, Canada
- Ditch Poetry, 2008, Canada
- The Broken City, No. 6, 2010, Canada
- Air Out In Air, 21 Poets for the Guatemala Stove Project, phafours press, 2011, Canada
- Moonbathing, No. 2-6, 2010-2012, USA
- Magnapoets, No. 7-9, 2012, Canada
- Magnapoets âButterfly Awayâ anthology, 2011, Canada
- Magnapoets âMany Windowsâ anthology, 2011, Canada
- Ribbons â Tanka CafĂ©, Vol.6/No.4,Vol.7/No.1-3,Vol. 8/No.1-2, 2010-2012, USA
- Gusts, 2010-2013, Canada
- Red Lights, 2011-2013, USA
- A Hundred Gourds, 2011-2013, USA
- Notes from the Gean, 3:2, 3:3, 3:4, 3:5, 4:1, 2011-2012, USA
- Kokako #18, 2013, New Zealand
- Prune Juice #9, 2012, USA
- Atlas Poetica, No. 7, 9-11/2010-2012, USA
- Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka 2010, USA
- Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka 2011, USA
- American Tanka, 2011, USA
- The Temple Bell Stops, anthology, 2012, USA
- Spirit Eyes and Fireflies, anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2011, Canada
- Arborealis, anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2010, Canada
- Emerging Stars, anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2010, Canada
- Anthology One, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, BC, 2006, Canada
- Agua Terra, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, BC, 2007, Canada
- Borderlines, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, BC, 2008, Canada
- New World Century, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, 2010, Canada
- As One Cradles Pain, anthology of Ascent Aspirations Magazine, 2012, Canada
- Astropoetica,, 2004, USA
- Enchanted Crossroads anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2007, Canada
- Butterfly Thunder anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2008, Canada
- Frost & Foliage, anthology of The Ontario Poetry Society, 2009, Canada
- Verse Afire, newsletters of The Ontario Poetry Society, since 2006, Canada
- Sage of Consciousness 2:3 e-zine, 2006, USA
- The Saving Banister anthology of the Canadian Authors Association, 2006-2008, Canada
- 3rd place in CAA-NCR National Capital Writing Contest, 2013, Canada
- first prize in The Open Heart Poetry Competition 2012, The Ontario Poetry Society
- honourable mention in the The 7th International Tanka Festival Competition, 2012,organised by Japan Tanka Poetsâ Society
- honourable mention in CAA-NCR National Capital Writing Contest, 2012, Canada
- shortlisted for 2010 Descant/Winston Collins Prize for Best Canadian Poem
- third place and two honourable mentions in Emerging from Shadows Contest 2011, The Ontario Poetry Society
honourable mention in Emerging from Shadows Contest , 2010, The Ontario Poetry Society
- six honourable mentions in The Open Heart Poetry Competition 2009-2012, The Ontario Poetry Society
- third place and honourable mention by Chocolate River Poetry Association in the Flat Signed Poetry Competition 2007