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demolition man => addicted to hope
: Poetry 2011-03-21 (4495 hits)
signs to nowhere
: for Miss, the only tears i know how to shed Personals 2011-01-22 (2939 hits)
DNA my frienemy
: love is just propaganda, if you’re lucky Personals 2010-10-02 (6224 hits)
google mu
: Poetry 2009-09-27 (6526 hits)
 : Poetry 2009-05-10 (4704 hits)
the power of pork
: autistic poems Poetry 2008-04-13 (4828 hits)
the reconstruction
: Poetry 2005-12-26 (5671 hits)
facing the archangel
: Poetry 2005-12-20 (4233 hits)
: Poetry 2005-11-11 (4295 hits)
the what of karma
 : Poetry 2004-07-28 (5185 hits)
 : Poetry 2003-11-17 (6872 hits)
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thanks Willy
now that the cards are face up we need all the help we can get
yes & no, kind of
canoe and grizzly too ( )
would the real consciousness please stand up
breath in breath out and the air within
if you throw out the ashes there is real fire underneath ( )
welcome back
the talking universe
time to choose
better to show than to tell
lic #2 on lt. lemnea :) ( )
i know what you did on january 7th :)
should i be your accomplice?
thanks Andrei
Corina, Willy
another fish in the sea ( )
to do or to teach
worth the price ( )
no problem whatsoever
didn't see the continuation
impersonating your text, kind of
i'll be waiting for more ( )
technicalities of playing guitar
exception to the rule
let's all try a little bit harder
ay, ole, tango
thanks guys!
why upside down?
wow ( )
i turn around and say :)
The gleam of its extinguished fire\ Enkindles yet our soul ( )
hey teacher, leave those kids alone
a little drift
another dan simmons fan?
the good, the bad and the indifferent
little steps
there is a C# ( )
agree ( )
ioana, Willy
instant love should be quick
there is no sex in your violence (bush)
where is the beef?
good effort Willy, congrats ( )
Romulus, we can actually explain the magic
50 - like 50%
that's a keeper ( )
to "Romulus Campan Maramuresanu" with same
let's get together and be allright
angles flying
welcome! ( )
cool and protected ( )
ay chihuahua
hubble anyone?
kind of deflated
we have become cartoon characters
it's more like a post game
moving ( )
perdido en el corazon de la grande babilon
not quite funny but almost
the poet is healer of past and wound of the future
thanks Daniel, Christopher
bau (business as usual)
speaking the unspeakable
Marius, Willy
one more thing
when the dust clears
way too much
k ( )
heavy on symbols light on story
if out for a kill, go for the jugular
you asked for it
good start for the new year
i still don't believe you
i don't believe you
vintage ( )
wrong site
the vanishing self
the vanishing self
just tighter
have a nice one! ( )
OffTOPIC rules and rulers
full speed ( )
just curious ( )
not much to cheer about
rem this ( )
right on, willy
rough around the corners
Camelia, Willy
don't count on mh to repair your motorcycle
who knows
yes ( )
pixels in the wind ( )
time for something longer? ( )
a lot better than silence
salute ( )
very nice ( )
welcome! ( )
bar/bar ( )
daring but relaxed ( )
yes ( )
divided we merge
to name is to own
SONGO, felix
an eye for an eye ( )
poetry is more silence than words
please hide this text
katie, Miriam
nice ( )
diana, songo
cute and comforting ( )
more questions than answers
good work ( )
Roberta Flack
confirmed ( )
a time to remember
almost there
cut, then cut again
a suggestion
nice ( )
nice ( )
Diana, Songo, dan
for time is a mirror ( )
freedom song
liked it
liked it
it could be shorter
a little more work
we don't need no education
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