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■ Venus and Adonis
■ Floating. midst of light
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■ You are
■ Between Yesterday and Today
■ November
■ No risks
■ The oak
■ I know what you're thinking, father
■ Marigolds light
■ Heavy lungs
■ Escapism
■ Beyond
■ Why falling (December)
■ Escape Gates
■ Forever Rains
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Sadly mimicking the joy
Silviu Somesanu -
The juggler
Silviu Somesanu -
I made it
Silviu Somesanu -
Where I’m not
Silviu Somesanu -
Sometimes at night
Silviu Somesanu -
The wind fire
Silviu Somesanu -
I kept gazing at the window
Silviu Somesanu -
Silviu Somesanu -
Oh, sisters!
Otilia Mărculescu -
The tear has frozen
Silviu Somesanu -
Alternatives death
Stefan Mircea -
Even days
Silviu Somesanu -
Sounds are pure gestures
Silviu Somesanu -
The plain at rest
Silviu Somesanu -
There’s a long way
Silviu Somesanu -
The embrace of the Calla Lily
Fahredin Shehu -
Fahredin Shehu -
Wait for me
Fahredin Shehu -
The only way out
Silviu Somesanu -
Burried like a snail
Silviu Somesanu -
We pay fees
Silviu Somesanu -
longing for the birches
Ștefan Ciobanu -
Snow is gonna hurt me
Silviu Somesanu -
The story of the big-headed man
Otilia Mărculescu -
I've got all the reasons to smile
Otilia Mărculescu -
Under the spiral sign
Silviu Somesanu -
Taking the Dive
Alexandra Alb Tătar -
Edward Wells Ii -
The day when the light is perfected
Silviu Somesanu -
Happy New Year, 2016!
Article [Events]
Eugenia Reiter -
Brace In The Infinite
Alexandra Alb Tătar -
Silviu Somesanu -
Innocent smile
Cristina Toropu -
Ode to the stalker
Otilia Mărculescu -
Hard to be
Nicolae Goje -
In Other Words
George Asztalos -
Like a soldier
Silviu Somesanu -
Winter Kisses
Raj Thampi -
Our sharks and wolves
Silviu Somesanu -
whispering frost
Poems [Visual]
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
Silviu Somesanu -
Please Comb Gently My Hair
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
Don't Pull the String
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
the rescuers are coming…
Silviu Somesanu -
Don’t Bend Over the Train Window
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
Memini Meminisse
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
Silviu Somesanu -
John Willy Kopperud -
At the edge of the world
Silviu Somesanu -
Forgetfulness, body with no wings
Silviu Somesanu -
First 50 . . . next 50
 Recommended Reading:
of the fingers from the rest of the week
Poems -
Marinescu Victor -
Where I'm From
Poems -
Iuliana Ungureanu -
The silent amulet
Poetry - maybe we're not wolves to each other
Traian Rotărescu -
everything i could remember
Poetry -
Paul Gabriel Sandu -
a creature called time
Poetry -
Paul Gabriel Sandu -
The Sharpening the Green Pencil Haiku Contest 2015
Article [Press] -
Maria Tirenescu -
Poem to my Knight
Poems -
Corina Gina Papouis -
The third commandment
Poetry -
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
Poems -
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
Happy New Year, 2015!
Article [Events] -
Eugenia Reiter -
You came back
Poetry -
Serban Moescu -
'post me' poem
Poetry -
Corina Gina Papouis -
strange religion
Poetry -
Dan Marius -
Spring Wind
Poetry [Visual] -
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
 Poems -
Romulus Câmpan Maramureșanu -
Happy Birthday song
Personals -
Motoc Lavinia -
If I had a brother
Poems -
Gunsel Djemal -
If you know Julia, write her a message
Poetry -
Paul Gabriel Sandu -
Poems -
Serban Moescu -
Nowhere to run
Poetry -
Mihaela Maxim -
Poems -
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
short goodnight story
Poems -
Paul Gabriel Sandu -
elegy 011
Poetry -
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
ways of starting all over again
Poems -
Paul Gabriel Sandu -
there's a danger to remain wet
Poetry -
Ștefan Ciobanu -
Poetry -
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
National Poetry Competition 2014 - Now Open!
Article [Culture] -
Eugenia Reiter -
Poetry -
Corina Gina Papouis -
Then came one o’clock
Poetry -
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
Paul Hunter
Article [Press] - A snooker legend
Monica Hayes -
Personals - to Isobel
Motoc Lavinia -
from the stories of insatiable rainy nights
Poetry -
Ștefan Ciobanu -
Flower, alone...
Poems -
Romulus Câmpan Maramureșanu -
5th of April 4th, 1984..
Article [Society] - "what does the LORD require of you but to do justice..."
Romulus Câmpan Maramureșanu -
2nd of April 4th, 1984..
Article [Society] -
Romulus Câmpan Maramureșanu -
The Sharpening the Green Pencil Haiku Contest 2014
Article [Press] -
Maria Tirenescu -
I dreamed
Poems - Gusts
Luminita Suse -
Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree 2013: Lit up with Poetry
Article [Events] -
Corina Gina Papouis -
Did I Mention the Free Wine?
Article [Events] - The Cut-Throat Tour 2013, London
Corina Gina Papouis -
Poems - (violets are blue)
Paul Gabriel Sandu -
Orbiting in the Silence
Poetry -
Fahredin Shehu -
The 2013 Popescu Prize
Article [Society] - for poetry translated from a european language into english
Eugenia Reiter -
Poetry -
Paul Gabriel Sandu -
Everywhere is GEZI PARK
Poems -
Gunsel Djemal -
Borders to infinity...
Poems -
Romulus Câmpan Maramureșanu -
Arkham Asylum
Poems -
Gabriel Nicolae Mihăilă -
The National Poetry Competition 2013
Article [Events] -
Eugenia Reiter -
tell me
Poetry -
Gabriel Nicolae Mihăilă -
What the night sees
Poetry -
Marlena Braester -
The Lock
Poems -
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu -
First 50 . . . next 50
 Most recent texts in workshop:
The following texts were classified unsatisfactory by an editor. All members are encouraged to submit their comments and offer creative feedback on these texts, to help these authors improve and evolve.
Poetry * - by Rareș Gireadă
Poetry A lonely life - by Ionel Movila
Poetry Echos of Lost Paradise - by Ionel Movila
Poetry Sleepy, sleepy birds - by elenadaniela
The - by Minculescu Florin Dragos
Poetry Becoming One - by Radu Ioan Tudosan
Poetry Kiss Me - by elenadaniela
Poetry The White Ship - by Lesenciuc Teodor
Poetry funny little bird - by Radu Ioan Tudosan
Poetry The arrow - by Deniz AktaÈ™
Poetry My truth - by Deniz AktaÈ™
Poetry We were the wind endowed - by Deniz AktaÈ™
Poetry Playground carousell - by Deniz AktaÈ™
Poetry Who cares? - by Grebenisan Mihai Marian
Poetry The great unknown - by Valentin Iulian Andronache
Poetry Irrevocable - by Diana Man
Poetry Beyond the Clouds - by Anna-Maria Viitanen
Poetry An ordinary day - by Bodea Diana Mihaela
Poetry Not - by Oana Alina Iosif
Poetry Cages - by Christopher Seeger
Poetry Talking to myself... - by Ciprian Toader
Poetry Wild - by Alexandru Tepelea
Poetry Leaving earth - by Valentin Iulian Andronache
Poetry Loving - by Nicolae VASILE
Poetry Encaged - by Sarah Joana Clark
Poetry Repentance - by Sarah Joana Clark
Poetry Sons Of Perdition - by Sarah Joana Clark
Poetry You farewell - by Grebenisan Mihai Marian
Poetry The Fall - by Grebenisan Mihai Marian
Poetry Love - by Luca Filipescu
Poetry Summer, Sunday, sunny day - by Vasile Mican
Poetry The cyclic man - by Nicolae VASILE
Poetry 13 going on 30 - by nica ioana
Poetry A complicated love poem - by Florentina Anghel
Poetry An old story - by Florentina Anghel
Poetry World of shadows - by Padurariu Adrian Florin
Poetry Scorched - Eng - by Stoica Nicolae Ciprian
Poetry The blue flames of the dragon - by Septimiu Moldovan Cristian
Poetry Confused - by Mihaela Micu
Poetry Summer - by Lohmuller Beatrice
Poetry Midnight journey - by Popa Viviana
Poetry Aroma - by Sarang Hae
Poetry Triangle of life - by Carmen Codreanu
Poetry Assumption - by Nicolae Marius Buchiu
Poetry Dilemma - by GPF
Poetry Match made in seven - by Bodea Diana Mihaela
Poetry Running - by Andrei Tudora
Poetry Time and Ego - by Bodea Diana Mihaela
Poetry Questions about Life - by Bodea Diana Mihaela
Poetry Legend - by Bodea Diana Mihaela
Poetry For the sake or argument - by Bodea Diana Mihaela
Poetry Simply thoughts - by Niculae Marilena
Personals Mom, - by Grigoraș V.Vasilică
Poetry The girl with a red sweater - by Haret Samuel
Poetry Believe - by Daniel Aurelian Rădulescu
Poetry Found life - by paul shalan
Poetry Darkness Divine - by Zavera Ioan Alexandru
Poetry It 's still summer 2 - by Anni- Lorei Mainka
Poetry It ' s still summer 1 - by Anni- Lorei Mainka
Personals Just to answer - by Iurcencu Teodora Ioana
Poetry Thanks - by Iurcencu Teodora Ioana
Poetry The key - by Marin Cezar
Poetry A poem for you - by Dragomirescu Adrian
Personals Evening thought - by Daria Gordon
Poetry The last cup of coffee - by mia isabela deleanu
Personals Reason to worry ? - by Ankh Joker
Poetry switch/off - by Ovidiu Tataru
Poetry - by Adraina Serban
Poetry Reality - by Jeflea Norma,Diana
Poetry Inspirational people - by Jeflea Norma,Diana
Poetry The Poet - by Vavila Popovici
Poetry yet nevermore - by Ender Alexandru
Poetry - by Monel Lucian
Personals Frozen - by Orha Maria Valeria
Poetry Perception - by mia isabela deleanu
Poetry Holy Trinity - by corui mihai george
Poetry Pieces of a heart - by Romila Andreea Diana
Prose Insurance for a lifetime - by mia isabela deleanu
Poetry EVERY ME FROM EVERY BODY ( for tinalouise's-my god is better than your god) - by Laurentiu Ivanel
Poetry One - by Laurentiu Ivanel
Poetry Flip over - by mia isabela deleanu
Personals Awake - by Orha Maria Valeria
Poetry Chaos - by mia isabela deleanu
Poetry Happy for your hell - by Bianca Dejanu
Personals Tears are falling - by Orha Maria Valeria
Poetry Lines about life - by mia isabela deleanu
Personals Lust - by Orha Maria Valeria
Personals Decision - by Orha Maria Valeria
Poetry New Year with Buble. - by Jeflea Norma,Diana
Personals Swear It - by Orha Maria Valeria
Personals Life - by Orha Maria Valeria
Personals The beginning of a beautiful friendship - by Orha Maria Valeria
Personals Crying - by Orha Maria Valeria
Poetry confectionery love - by Jeflea Norma,Diana
Personals Some nights between us.. - by Orha Maria Valeria
Poetry Mother - by Grebenisan Mihai Marian
Poetry Pain - by Grebenisan Mihai Marian
Poetry The Old Chinese Man - by monika prath
Poetry Despair - by Gilca Victoria
Personals I call you Hope - by Ioana-Raluca Raducanu
Prose 1805 - by Florin Kshky
Poetry a little evil thought - by Ender Alexandru
Poetry Magic harmony - by VERBINESCU
Poetry To a friend - by Coman Cornel Alexandru
Poetry headaches of the soul - by nica ioana
Essay Is it wrong to hate love? - by Pomana Sorin
Poetry Rwanda Ghost of Africa - by george popa
Personals Forgiving thoughts - by Ankh Joker
Poetry 10 definitions - by Andrei Tudora
Poetry If this world would fit in two big cities - by Mihaela Roxana Boboc
Poetry 21st century poem - by Ciprian Socoliuc
Poetry My Apocalypse - by Ciprian Socoliuc
Poetry Woman - by Ciprian Socoliuc
Poetry Flowers and birds - by Andrei Tudora
Poetry My Rose - by Gabriel J. Khazini
Poetry My dream - by Iustina Daniela Cucu
Poetry Midnight Question - by asdsaw
Poetry Falling - by Andrei Tudora
Poetry Master's daughter - by Harald Varga
Poetry Cry the autumn sky - by Deian Jivanelov
Personals Lily-soul - by VERBINESCU
Poetry Existence - by Deian Jivanelov
Poetry Cycle - by Dulau Florin
Poetry Lost Heart - I Declare it Null - by Ioana-Raluca Raducanu
Poetry What is the meaning of life - by Ioana-Raluca Raducanu
Poetry Tragic suicide - by Berinde Ovidiu
Poetry I Baptize My Sun - by Daniel Safta
Poetry Insecure - by Deian Jivanelov
Poetry Ephemeral - by Deian Jivanelov
Poetry Touch - by Daniel Aurelian Rădulescu
Poetry Gift - by Daniel Aurelian Rădulescu
Poetry Montreal - by Daniel Aurelian Rădulescu
Poetry Din inima - by Adi
Poetry My Sweet - by slavchyk
Poetry If only - by Diana
Poetry I Miss - by elenadaniela
Poetry I Don’t Regret - by elenadaniela
Poetry Sinner - by Onet Alice Emilia
Poetry Part of you - by Daniel Aurelian Rădulescu
Poetry You're Beautiful ! - by Kovacs Alexandra
Poetry Love's Labours Won - by Ioana-Raluca Raducanu
Poetry Poetic Justice or Rhetoric? - by Givemore Manyengawana
Poetry Swan cry - by nica ioana
Screenplay The Confession - by diana vlase
Personals New World Order - by Pelin Razvan Romeo
Poetry Artist his collages - by Daniel Safta
Poetry You gush fascination - by Laurian Taler
Poetry What do you know - by Laurian Taler
Poetry Reshape - by Laurian Taler
Poetry Dairy dream - by nica ioana
Poetry Frozen Feelings - by Petrescu Catalin Andrei
Poetry No can do, miss... - by WinterSnowfall
Poetry Simple me - by Dogaru Madalina Teodora
Poetry No 30 - by paul shalan
Poetry Black Riders pt 3 - by Coman Cornel Alexandru
Poetry Forbidden Love - by Radu Campian
Poetry Black Riders - by Coman Cornel Alexandru
Poetry Futile - by Pomana Sorin
Poetry About me - by Coman Cornel Alexandru
Poetry - by smeu mihai alexandru
Poetry My life is gone - by Santorelli Iovino
Poetry NEEDING YOU - by Florentina Laic
Poetry But still... - by Phoenix
Poetry Death, part II - by Deniz AktaÈ™
Poetry O, come my love… - by Laurentiu
Poetry untitled - by Givemore Manyengawana
Poetry Hope - by Nita Raducu
Poetry Sonnet of spring - by WinterSnowfall
Poetry Wish chapter - by Andrei Tudora
Personals You used to... - by Violeta
Poetry if only - by albert septimiu
Poetry Metempsychosis - by Cristina Dascalescu Dordea
Poetry Change chapter - by Andrei Tudora
Poetry Love chapter - by Andrei Tudora
Poetry WORD - by slavchyk
Poetry Two strings - by Andrei Tudora
Poetry Shiny daffodils - by Iustina Daniela Cucu
Poetry A cure for pain - by nica ioana
Poetry I did not say for long - by Elena Zerfus
Poetry Shell under nightingale’s song - by Andreea Maresi
Poetry Tell me why… - by Valentine
Poetry Nonsense - by Andreea Maresi
Poetry Always - by paul shalan
Poetry Black Rose’s feelings - by Andreea Maresi
Essay Process of Being. Involution and Evolution - by Andreea Maresi
Poetry - by Ana Hunedoara
Poetry i'm with you - by Anatolie Melnicov
Poetry Like a fire - by Grebenisan Mihai Marian
Poetry Scar tissues - by nica ioana
Poetry I need to be wild - by radulescu cristina
Poetry I shall forget you presently, my dear - by Adela Vasiloi
Poetry the raven... - by toma razvan gabriel
Poetry Breaking waves - by nica ioana
Poetry Why is that? - by ciocas alex
Poetry Lonesome - by Sârb Olimpia
Poetry Number five - by WinterSnowfall
Poetry Quiet - by Oana Alina Iosif
Poetry My reason - by Andrei Tudora
Poetry Something that hurts - by radulescu cristina
Personals Androgin - by bradu andreea