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three days of snow.... and silence
: Personals 2011-07-31 (2965 hits)
no hope.not now.never.
: inspired by a meteor Personals 2011-02-03 (4145 hits)
: Personals 2010-09-29 (4157 hits)
live.from the funeral of hope
: Personals 2010-01-03 (3819 hits)
: Personals 2009-04-24 (5110 hits)
winged burden
: to thee rotting in thy hole Personals 2008-12-06 (9349 hits)
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heavier than chester's screams
silent thief
ranting (in no particular order)
late answer - murmurs of mortality
late answer
yet again for the fans
again for the fans
for all the fans out there
OffTOPIC to a face careworn
carving circles out of dust
about signs'n'stuff
glory to the blood stained flag?
the power of the simpler light
missed a letter
fair warning
gather the chains..
put it on
hear thr dry winds pray
full moons and half nightmares
feels better
thoughts as poetry
another red card!
double dare
no teaching position for me;thank you very much!
red card!
stop the gremlins!(pleeze!)
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Hemmed In
Poetry by Mircea Ciobanu
Like One Asleep
Poetry by Mircea Ciobanu
Poetry by Olly Komenda Soentgerath
Poetry by Olly Komenda Soentgerath
Two cities
Poetry by Tomas Tranströmer